The Charles Adams Blue Party
5&J Studios
1106 5th Street
Saturday, May 20th
Tickets: $150.00 per individual; $1,000.00 for a table of 8.
Please join us May 20th for the 2023 Charles Adams Blue Party!
Interactive and collaborative painting and metal fabrication throughout the evening!
Open Bar!
Food trucks, music and dancing into the evening!
Cocktails: 6:30
Dinner: 7:00
Live auction: 8:00
Dessert & dancing: 9:00
Wear blue! 100% of the Blue Party proceeds go toward the construction of new CASP Studios, furthering our mission to create an artists’ community in the Lubbock Arts District that actively engages the public with the arts. If you would like to purchase a seat or table for this year’s event, please click the links below.