August, 2024
01augAll Day16octCall for Entries | 47th Lubbock Arts Festival Booth Artists
Event Details
CALL FOR ENTRIES Call for Entries
Event Details
Call for Entries
47th Lubbock Arts Festival Booth Artists
Deadline: October 16, 2024
Event Date: April 12-13, 2025
For more information or to apply:
The 47th Annual Lubbock Arts Festival will be held April 12-13, 2025 at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, 1501 Mac Davis Lane, Lubbock, Texas.This event is the largest fine art, fine craft event in West Texas. Over 8,000 adults attended the 2024 Lubbock Arts Festival.
Booth artists enjoy a 100% indoor, air-conditioned venue. No commission is charged, only a flat booth rate. The $50,000+ advertising campaign for the event includes print, radio, television, billboards, and social/electronic media.
The Lubbock Arts Festival is produced by the Lubbock Arts Alliance, Inc., a not-for-profit arts agency dedicated to fostering the creation, enjoyment, and understanding of the arts. Proceeds from the Festival provide funding for year-round educational and community programs.
April 12-13, 2025
Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm
Sunday, 12 pm – 5 pm
Artist Amenities:
Volunteer booth sitters, private hospitality area with restrooms, reserved free parking, easy loading/unloading, 24-hour security, onsite storage available, artist reception on Saturday evening, and a host hotel with discounted room rates.
All adult Festival goers will be admitted for $5 online/$7 at the door, and all children aged 12 and under, accompanied by an adult, will be admitted for FREE.
Apply online at We use ZAPPLICATION for communication and marketing information. BE SURE YOUR PROFILE INFORMATION IS CURRENT AND CORRECT IN ZAPPLICATION. Please use proper capitalization.
Each Artist must submit a total of four (4) images (three images of work and one booth image), one complete application per entry, and a $30 NON-REFUNDABLE jury fee.
If an artist has work in different media categories or distinctly separate bodies of work within one category, they may apply with multiple applications (up to four). NO ADVANTAGE IS GAINED BY SUBMITTING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS FOR THE SAME BODY OF WORK IN MULTIPLE CATEGORIES.
All work must be original work made by the applying Artist.
Work to be exhibited must be represented in the jury images. Types of work not reflected in your submitted images will be noted by the judges at the Festival, and future Festival participation may be denied.
For each medium entered, include three (3) images of artwork completed within the last 18 months that accurately represent the current body of work to be exhibited. The Booth Slide (fourth image) must illustrate the Artist’s presentation of their work and display. The purpose of the booth image is to ensure the Artist has a complete body of work and helps identify the scale of the Artist’s work.
Note: This is a blind jury process; please do not submit booth images that include identifiable signs or a photo of the Artist.
Contact Information:
Lubbock Arts Alliance
Lubbock Arts Festival
August 1, 2024 - October 16, 2024 (All Day)(GMT-06:00)