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march, 2021

29mar(mar 29)12:00 am16apr(apr 16)11:59 pmCALL FOR ARTISTS | Sidewalk Chalk Murals @ LHUCA

Event Details

CALL FOR SIDEWALK CHALK MURALS: LHUCA is seeking six qualified artists or collaborative artist teams to create outdoor sidewalk chalk murals celebrating the 200th First Friday Art Trail on May 7, 2021. Murals will be created at the following locations: LHUCA, The McDougal Building on Broadway, Citizens Tower, GlassyAlley, Buddy Holly Museum, and Caviel Museum of African American History.

PROJECT DETAILS: Applications are due April 16, 2021. Selected artists will be notified by April 20, 2021. Selected artist will create the mural May 6 – 7, 2021.

TO APPLY: Please submit the following materials via email, Dropbox, or other cloud file sharing service to: [email protected] Please include “Chalk Mural Proposal” in subject line.

  • Drawing or digital design of the proposed sidewalk chalk mural. If designing for a specific location listed above, please include which location.

  • Brief statement (3-4 sentences) describing the proposed design, theme, concept, and/or connection to the chosen location. This can be as simple or complex as you like!

  • 3 to 5 examples of previously completed work that demonstrates an ability to design and create large scale painting, murals, and/or other outdoor works. Up to 2 views of each piece may be submitted for a total of 10 images max.

  • Optional: CV/resume. Teams must submit one CV/resume per team member.
    Click the button below for full application details.

For mural locations, sizes, and themes, see the full application by clicking the button below.


March 29 (Monday) 12:00 am - April 16 (Friday) 11:59 pm



511 Avenue K