Winter’s Night Art Market
5&J Gallery
1106 5th Street
Saturday, December 10th
5 – 9pm
Free and open to the public
In collaboration with Kendra McCartney Studio’s Solo exhibit “Once Upon a Wheel” in the CASP 5 & J Gallery, we will be having a winter art market!
Browse the local artists’ wares and snag some locally made holiday gifts! You’ll be able to view Kendra’s ceramic fantasy creations while also supporting our local artists!
Kendra McCartney Studio
Bat Teeth
London Blue Accessories
Folkways Press
Out of Dust Creations
Cassapora Leather
Kat Powell Artist
Rachel G Photography
Cute as Hell
Leif’s Paintings
Sarah Marie’s Miniature Menagerie
Moonstone Apothecary
Half-Caff Designs
Email for more info.