May, 2022
Event Details
Stress Flesh Panel Discussion Texas Tech School of Art Satellite Gallery at CASP/LHUCA Friday, May 13th 7 –
Event Details
Stress Flesh Panel Discussion
Texas Tech School of Art
Satellite Gallery at CASP/LHUCA
Friday, May 13th
7 – 8:30pm
Free and open to the public
Stress Flesh is an interdisciplinary project between an artist and psychologist collaboratively studying stress. Developed artwork and results from analyses will be presented in an interactive exhibit. The community is invited to take control of their stress management processes by physically and psychologically handling and imparting their personal stress within the artwork. Stress is a collection of responses people have, both psychologically and physiologically, to the demands our environment places upon us. Stress Flesh takes that process and makes it more visible using the specially crafted sculptures. The exhibition will also include resources for managing stress in healthy ways to promote well-being. The panel discussion will present findings and discuss stress, stress management, and coping strategies with scholars and professionals.
May 13, 2022 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-06:00)
Texas Tech University School of Art Satellite Gallery (Charles Adams Studio Project – CASP)
602 Avenue J