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April, 2022

02apr4:00 pm6:00 pmPublic Reception | THE TAP: Visioning the Ogallala Aquifer on the Llano Estacado @ Landmark Gallery | Texas Tech School of Art @ 4pm

Event Details

Public Reception | THE TAP: Visioning the Ogallala Aquifer on the Llano Estacado
Texas Tech School of Art
3072 18th Street | 18th Street and Flint Avenue

Saturday, April 2nd
4 – 6pm

Free and open to the public

The Tap is an artwork and gallery installation by M12 Studio presented by Landmark Arts at Texas Tech University. A meditation on the Ogallala Aquifer at the Llano Estacado, The Tap takes us on a subterranean journey through time and space, sound and vision.

One of the largest aquifers in the world, the Ogallala lies beneath eight states, a footprint that is home to some of the oldest species on the planet—bison, sandhill cranes, pronghorn antelope and others. As part of the Great Plains, this area was once an American Serengeti, a landscape full of life and diversity from fields to the flyways. Today, the Ogallala region is mostly farm and ranch land. Challenges here now include aquifer recharge which is prevented by drought combined with relentless large-scale farming practices

.In the Ogallala region, people depend on the sustained health of the aquifer below. The water’s health is reflected in the build environment, as well as in our economic, natural, and spiritual livlihoods. Communities in the region are feeling the consequences of being out of balance with the living world beneath us. The Tap challenges viewers to think overtly and relationally about this water, about sustainable futures in our communities and throughout our commons.


April 2, 2022 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT-06:00)


Landmark Arts at the Texas Tech School of Art

3072 18th Street 18th Street and Flint Avenue on the Texas Tech campus

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